Thoughts About Learning

  Learning and teaching are the chain that can't be broken. Teaching is a sacred job and that's why we shouldn't be careless or underestimate it.

  This year, during my teaching diploma degree, I learnt a lot about learning and teaching, but specifically about teaching, its ways, types, usage, effects, consequences, and what teachers should do and the traits they must have to be able to accomplish the highest goal of teaching in the most perfect way.

  I learned that there are many models for teaching like inductive, integrative, cooperative, lecture discussion, investigation and many others. And in order for the teacher to be successful and guarantee the success of her students and the school she is at, she must have ways to use these different models each with the lesson it suits, to make it much more effective. 

  One thing I benefited from also was the media and technology course that offered me plenty of choices to engage technology in my teaching career as a facilitation and boost for my work as a teacher.


  1. YES girl I agree with you, I didn't think teaching diploma will benefit me till that extent !


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