
Showing posts from January, 2020


    A horoscope is an astrological chart or diagram representing the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, astrological aspects and sensitive angles at the time of an event, such as the moment of a person's birth. The word horoscope is derived from Greek words hõra and scoops meaning "time" and "observer".     Some people believe in these signs and what each horoscope resembles in the person's characteristics. There' s a part that has no relation with it and thinks that it is imaginary and doesn't believe in such thing; they think that horoscopes and magic are some kinds of deception. We come now to the last part that is addicted to following what their horoscope tells them about their daily lives and some don't do anything without checking their daily news.

Math - Singapore

    The Singapore math method may be an extremely effective teaching approach originally developed by Singapore’s Ministry of Education for Singapore public faculties. The tactic has been widely adopted in varied forms around the world over the past twenty years. Singapore systematically ranks at the highest in international science testing. The intentional progression of ideas within the Singapore science approach instills a deep understanding of arithmetic.     The Singapore math technique is concentrated on mastery, which is achieved through the intentional sequencing of concepts. A number of the key options of the approach embody the controller (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) progression, variety bonds, bar modeling, and mental science. Rather than pushing through memorization learning, students learn to suppose mathematically and believe the depth of information gained in previous lessons.    The Singapore math approach teaches techniques and ...


  True giving comes from an equivalent place within you as your deepest happiness. They're inexplicably tangled. A very special type of giving takes the shape of little, personal acts of kindness. Fairly often it's not cash or belongings that folks want, it is the things that cannot be seen, like recommendation support, a sort word, compliments or a smile. The act of giving doesn’t have to be compelled to be restricted to an exchange of presents at Christmas time or Birthdays.    You may be a touch skeptical, questioning what precisely does one have to be compelled to give? Everyone has one thing valuable for an additional person. It may well be a sort word, a straight smile, some appreciation, the sharing of some special data, even an aid or a touch of support throughout a troublesome emotional time. You have one thing to allow everybody.    The act of true giving is a few thing marvelous and wonderful. With most things during this world, there's s...

Educational Philosophy

  “Philosophy” is universally defined as “the study of wisdom or knowledge about the general problems, facts, and situations connected with human existence, values, reasons, and general reality.” It is the path to finding reasons, answers, and general explanations to life and its factors.       Education is teaching knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits by different educational methods guided by educators, or the learners themselves. The methodology of teaching whether it is teaching, training, storytelling, discussion or directed speech, is called pedagogy.       Philosophy of education thinks about with the character and aims of education and therefore the philosophical issues arising from educational theory and practice. It's each inward to the parent discipline of philosophy and outward to instructional practice. The results of philosophy isn't variety of ‘philosophical propositions’, however to form propositions clea...

Gifted Students

The identification of giftedness started when IQ tests were introduced to schools. Since then, giftedness became an important issue for schools as they presented special challenges. During the 20th century, IQ tests specified the gifted students. The definition of giftedness in each school played a key role in identifying gifted students. There are two perspectives toward giftedness: Old theorists said that intelligence is fixed characteristics, it is only genetically determined and it doesn’t increase or decrease across time. Modern theorists said that intelligence is influenced by both genetics and environment. It’s a dynamic characteristic and it’s not signaled only by a high IQ score. But the conventional definition of gifted and talented children are those who are capable of high performance. These students receive educational services beyond those normally provided by regular school programs due to their special talents and exceptional creativity.

Hope, Happiness, & Love

    Hope is the key to establish happiness in life and prevent the negative vibes that overwhelm you whenever you are aiming for something. Whenever you fill your life with hope, love, and happiness you will reach ultimate satisfaction in life.     If you plant seeds of happiness, love, success, and hope, it will all come back to you in abundance. This is the law of nature. Make sure your house is filled with love, constant smiles, and unending hope. Life will be way better and everything and all the problems will not be as frightening and feel like a burden anymore.     This is a pad-let I created. Feel free to share your thoughts about these 3 factors that I think are the key factors of life.

Bridge Action Plan

   This info graphic is created by me and my sister about improving writing skills for students in schools who have a problem in expressing their ideas, slow in writing, weak in their vocabulary, and have a small repertoire of information and knowledge.    We believe that sticking to these simple moves that we suggested may help to an extent that almost all students would improve, and not necessarily they all become professional writers.   How to Improve Your Writing Skills: Brush up on the basic principles of writing, grammar, and spelling. Write like it's your job and practice regularly. Read more so you develop an eye for what effective writing looks like. Find a partner. Join a workshop, meetup, or take a writing night class.